The new Engine 49-2 is now in service!
By Firefighter/EMT Christopher Eno
September 10, 2014

At 7:29PM this evening, September 10, Chief 49 Rodney Gossert, placed the new Engine 49-2 in service and notified the Lancaster County and Chester County 911 centers.

The new Engine 49-2 is a 2014 Pierce Impel MegaPUC, with rescue-pumper configuration. It has a 1500 gallon per minute single stage pump, 1250 gallon poly water tank, 30 gallon class A foam tank, Husky® 3 foam proportioning system, 4 head Wilburt Nightscan Light tower, Harrison 15.0 kW hydraulic generator, Cummins ISL9 450HP motor, Allison EVS3000P 5 speed automatic transmission.

We are proud to place this unit in service, and we would like to thank the new Engine committee for all of their hard work, our Pierce salesman from Glick Fire Equipment Curt Woerth, our members of the fire company, Ambulance, and Ladies Auxiliary for their time and efforts in raising the funds for the engine, Salisbury Township for their usual outstanding support, and last...but certainly not least...the members of our community for the generous support of our company which also enabled us to purchase this engine which is expected to serve for the next 25-30 years.

Units: Engine 49-2 (2014 edition)
Hyperlinks: Engine 49-2 pictures on
Engine 49-2 in production
Engine 49-2 purchased