Water Supply Drill on Elam Road
By Firefighter/EMT Christopher Eno
July 25, 2016

On the evening of Monday July 25, Station 49 held a rural water supply drill on Elam Road. The evenings drill consisted of a "building fire" at the Elam King Hardware Store.

Engine 49-1 was instructed to lay in their 4" supply line from the fire pond on Elam Road. Engine 49-2 was to pick up 49-1's line and continue the lay in to the store. Tanker 49 was to take the dry hydrant at the pond and supply the 4" supply line. Four 1.75" hand-lines were pulled from 49-2 and also their deck gun was in operation.

Thanks to the members that all came out on the hot evening to help!

Thanks to Firefighter King for assistance with the article, and Fire Policeman Utter for the photos

Units: Engine 49-1, Engine 49-2, Tanker 49, Squad 49-1