14 Year Incident Stats |
| Fire | EMS | Total |
2021 | 168 | 706 | 874 |
2020 | 143 | 584 | 727 |
2019 | 179 | 632 | 811 |
2018 | 194 | 620 | 814 |
2017 | 143 | 633 | 776 |
2016 | 190 | 670 | 861 |
2015 | 166 | 601 | 767 |
2014 | 187 | 541 | 728 |
2013 | 135 | 516 | 651 |
2012 | 165 | 461 | 626 |
2011 | 174 | 506 | 680 |
2010 | 178 | 526 | 704 |
2009 | 179 | 481 | 660 |
2008 | 171 | 498 | 669 |
Total | 2372 | 7975 | 10348 |
Historical Totals |
Fire Calls (1955-2021) | 5550 |
EMS Calls (1958-2021) | 17720 |
Total | 23270 |
Web Counters |
Visitors Today:
922 |
Visitors Since May 15, 2007:
2,716,887 |
Use of Website Material:
Duplication of text, photos or any other content published on this website, is prohibited without permission of the White Horse Fire Company. (Content used from sources outside of the Company are credited to the author and/or photographer if known.) |